Much Improvement
When I came to this office, I was not able to breathe properly due to chest congestion. After one treatment, I saw much improvement in my breathing. My lower back pain has become less and less. My experience at this office has been very pleasant and helpful. I have been going to chiropractors for 48 years, and I find this office and treatment to be one of the best!
– J. Novak
So Much Better
My neck and upper back pain has decreased significantly through having the adjustments and electrical stimulation. I also had a problem with my thumb joint that has gotten so much better. The adjustments make the situation much more bearable for me!
– J. Brown
Seen a Difference
I have definitely seen an improvement since my treatment with Dr. Kline started. My neck and shoulder pain has decreased tremendously, although I am not finished with my treatment, I have seen a difference. Thanks Dr. Kline!
– J. Delcid
Always Better After Treatment
Anytime my back “goes out,” I am able to get an appointment easily to see Dr. Kline. My back is always better after she has treated it. I have periodic issues with one knee and one side of my neck—Dr. Kline has always been able to treat the problem and I leave with much less pain or discomfort. I also have a stressful job and feel more relaxed after each visit—especially after doing the roller table.
– V. Sears
Walking Without Pain
I did not realize how much pain I was in before I started my treatment. Prior to coming to Kline Chiropractic & Wellness, I was unable to walk for long periods of time without stopping to rest and take Advil. After some treatments, I now walk regularly without pain, exercise using weights and do sports without pain. All this exercise is helping me finally lose the weight that I have been carrying around for years.
– R. BeMiller
Feel So Much Better!
I was having terrible pain with backaches–in my neck, shoulders, and lower back. Now my lower back is so much better and my neck is getting better after each visit. Why I waited so long I don’t know… just waiting for Dr. Kline to open her practice I guess.
– E. Golden
Explained Treatments
I never expected to feel so much better after being treated by Dr. Kline. I actually thought the way I was feeling was a part of getting older. Imagine my curiosity when Dr. Kline explained how these treatments would help re-align parts of my body that had been causing so much discomfort. I can tell you that I feel so much better. The lower back issues I was having have improved beyond my expectations. So many people suffer needlessly with things that really can be helped by being treated by Dr. Kline and chiropractic.
– T. Deaver